Senin, 23 April 2007

The Shaman's Way Archive

For a short time in '06 I had a blog on Typepad that I did not keep up past a certain point. I've decided to reprint it here as an archive and I hope that you will enjoy it.

In order to keep it as accurate as possible I have kept to the blog tradition and you will find that the posts, in order by date, begin at the bottom here and proceed up to the post dated 10-31-06.


Allowing Credit

Do we really have to walk through fire to test our faith. I grant that this is an old and - yes perhaps even ancient rite of passage but I believe that nowadays given the complications and difficulties of life that many of us are, at least parenthetically walking through fire in our day to day lives and I feel this is sufficient.

I also feel that while this testing ground of life that we're living in is filled with possibilities that could go this way or that way that it is important to create another rite of passage and that is walking through the cool. I'm not referring to the cool world or the latest greatest here. I'm referring to allowing ourselves to be, to exist, to have a good life and most important - giving ourselves permission to have this good life.

Is it really possible to have a good life, to be enjoying what you're doing and to allow other people to live their lives. One of the biggest challenges, you know, is that your friends, your family, very often people you care about very deeply might be going through something that you can see crystal clear and much as you've tried to help them - they really can't hear you.

It's not that they don't consider your opinion or your experience valuable it's just that they are going through it and even though you might see it clearly, just as others might see what you are going through clearly, it is important to give them permission to go through it on their own.

Once they get through it perhaps they will comment, on their progress or how they did it, to you and you can smile to yourself thinking - well I seem to recall suggesting that but don't say it. How often have you had your creations, especially when you were younger, tampered with - and by that I mean that you accomplished something that you felt good about. You were inspired perhaps - you struggled and you accomplished it and then along came a well meaning friend or family member and said - I told you to do that a long time ago - and you felt crushed. You felt like your creation or your creative impulse had been stamped upon.

It is important to not just walk through the fire but walk through the cool. The cool in this case has to do with being cool yes but it has to do with allowing yourself the freedom and the permission to have a good life and allowing loved ones, friends and family to struggle when necessary. Of course offer help when you feel it is desired and yet there are so many times aren't there when offering help will really get in the way of their own creation.

So enjoy your life, offer help when it's desired by others but stand back when you see them - yes struggling a bit but perhaps a struggle that will pay off in a way that they will be able to feel and believe that they did it themselves. This is so very important.

So - that's what I suggest. Goodlife.

Seeing Energy Bodies

Have you ever noticed that you're looking at something, perhaps at a distance, and there is a slight glow around it.

I want to share with you something many of you may already know and that is how to see an energy field above a person.

First practice, if you can , seeing an energy field above an object and then pick a friend who wants to learn how to do this as well. It must be somebody who wants to do it on their own desire not because you want them to practice with you - so if you have to go to a place where you're likely to meet people like that that's fine. Maybe you already know someone like that.

Then this is what I recommend - stand in front of a blank wall, if you have to sit that's okay but make sure if you're sitting that the other person is looking at you in such a way as anything you're sitting in is not directly beyond their point of view - meaning that if there's a back to the chair that you're then showing your profile. That allows them to see you and right beyond you is the wall - you understand. So if you can stand that's alright. If you can sit perhaps on a stool that's alright too.

Then the person who is observing sit if you like or stand at least 10 feet away. If you can't get any further away than 6 feet that's alright but 10 feet would be better.

Then for the person who's being observed close your eyes and see if you can experience this feeling - think of something that made you laugh. You don't have to laugh while you're standing or sitting there but try to remember how funny it was and just stay focused on that - that funny thing.

Then relax after a time - you can pick the time - it doesn't make any difference how long but make sure it's at least 2 minutes. You stay focused on the funny thing as long as you remember the fun of it and how funny it was. Then whenever that feeling releases - relax for a moment and then shortly thereafter remember something that made you think long and hard. I don't mean something that made you sad or something that upset you - just something that made you think - you had to think about it, you understand.

Then after that feeling fades then remember something that made you sad. Don't linger on that. It tends to linger anyway you see.

Then relax and after that to finish up remember something that makes you feel good or happy, whichever you like - it can be anything. That's the procedure to follow. If you can't do that all one after the other then just do one at a time.

The other person - you keep in mind that that's the process and don't look at their entire body. The reason you have them standing in front of a blank wall - meaning if there was anything hanging on the wall see if you can take it down and ideally the wall is white or beige, some neutral color you see - what you want to do is look at the very top of their head and if you begin to see something even a lighter area beyond the top of their head or perhaps above their shoulders don't look at that.

What you do is begin to look at the very top of that changed color or glow and look further away from it - meaning if it's above their head for example then look very slightly above the point where you see the change, where you see the glow, where you see the color and if the color or glow expands continue to concentrate moving your point of vision - where you are staring on the wall - above and slightly away from that color. This is the way I recommend that you view the energy body around a person.

The value of having known feelings is that it might be possible to see colors. Certain colors of light and energy are supported by our bodies and by those Guides and Angels that support us. It is not that we are taking advantage of these loving beings.

It is that they, I believe, are trying to teach us more about our ongoing spiritual lives. So don't feel, if you would, that they are being - how can we say - manipulated. It is a standard reality that our bodies signal our needs and these colors of light are intended to feed the subtle energies of our body with what we need.

I will say more about this as time goes on. Goodlife to you all.

Seeing Now

Energy is something that is all around us all the time and yet is it so close to us that we cannot feel it?

I believe that we are feeling energy more and more these days - and I mean everybody. It's just that our lives are so complicated and often harried that it is difficult - even challenging to notice the subtle things. However - we all have these quiet moments - sometimes it's here, sometimes it's there and I'll bet that some of you have noticed a difference in what you're seeing.

If you live in the same place or spend a lot of time in the same place when there's quiet moments and no one else around - I recommend that you notice things and try to notice them as well after you've noticed them. What do I mean by that?

You have probably read about or heard about latent images - meaning that which you notice essentially after the fact. You've perhaps had the experience where you have - say clicked on something on the internet and then realized that there was something on the previous page you actually wanted to see because you didn't notice it until after the fact that you clicked. Sometimes that's a memory but other times it's a latent image - meaning you're already off the page but you can still almost see it.

I'm not trying to talk about the internet here. Rather I'm suggesting that it is possible these days for everyone to notice that there are slight image differences in what you see - yes with your own eyes.

I'm not talking about a photograph. I'm not talking about any special effect. I'm simply talking about what you observe and it will most often be seen as a latent image - meaning you look away and then you realize that what you were looking at was slightly different. You look back and it's its own normal state of being - meaning whatever you normally see.

What's happening is that energies of personality that are associated with benign and benevolent spirits - sometimes Guides and always loving beings - are beginning to reveal themselves to us.

They don't look like us. They look like light usually. Sometimes it will be a vertical beam of light but it will almost always be very gentle - a soft color - perhaps lilac or light green for example. Other times there will be a blink of light - meaning a light just free floating in space but it will be so quick that it will be gone in a moment. Often this will be white, occasionally other colors and when you look back it's not there.

This isn't somebody trying to play a joke or a trick on you. This is a time now when subtleties are more available and ironically it's because we are so busy and because we cannot think about the subtleties - we can only notice them most of the time after the fact.

I'm bringing it to your attention because so many of us - and perhaps you have too - have asked to see, to know, to be aware of our Guides, Angels and Loving Teachers and other beings that we hope and believe and really want to be there and it is a time right now and has been for a while that such evidence can be present for us.

Occasionally you will get a word or two if you happen to see something like this but almost always there will be a gentle feeling - perhaps a feeling that is warm and loving in the most comfortable way. If that doesn't happen for you right away perhaps it will at some point.

I just wanted to let you know that this is happening now and it will continue in the most gentle, loving and benevolent way and it will never be frightening - so if anything like that happens to you just know it's not what I'm referring to here and look forward to this benevolent experience of your Guides, Angels, Loving Teachers and yes - perhaps Deities who are revealing themselves to you now in this most benevolent way.


The Herald Of Purple

What is the nature of the color purple. Why is it associated with spirit. This is a color that has been seen - not only by Visionaries but by everyday people. People like you and I and people you see walking on the street every day.

The color has been seen around the time of the passing of a loved one or a friend or sometimes even someone you did not really know very well. Perhaps they were an acquaintance, perhaps a complete stranger.

I'm not referring to the dark purple color that is often used for religious ceremonies. This is a lighter purple color and has a version of translucence to it - sometimes even a variation of transparency.

It is always seen when a Spirit is either coming or going to someplace and on occasion it is seen when a Spirit is visiting. It is really true that spirits can visit. Sometimes a place, sometimes a person and this visiting is always accompanied by a benevolent guide even if the Spirit themselves are a guide because if they're visiting someplace it is very often a situation where there is some affection, feeling or sense of familiarity and one would like to have a friend of ones own kind present.

I'm bringing this up to you today because I feel it's important for you to recognize that should you see this kind of thing most often it will not be in the form of a human being. It will be a fairly anomalous shape. Perhaps just a sweep of purple, perhaps a sort of shape - sometimes even in a circle or a disc shape.

This is something that we will see these days more and more. Don't be frightened please. It will almost always be accompanied by a benevolent energy that many of you will be able to physically feel and be comforted by. As I say, it may be a friend or a beloved relative.

If you can see it the chances are it is somebody that you have known or some being that has great affection for you. It is then a blessing and I believe ought to be counted as one. I am hopeful that you will have the opportunity to have this experience as I feel that it will often be something that you may cherish.

Spirits these days have more capacity to move amongst us. According to what I've been taught and what I believe by my experience, this is because we as physical beings have moved beyond the station that we were at when our world was a portion of our lives - meaning when we were born.

There has been an acceleration in spirit and form. Some of it has been brought about by our compassion towards our fellow beings who are suffering but I believe also that some of it has been brought about by our desire for us to get on with a more benevolent life and to embrace all those in the world who desire the same thing.

Welcome the sight of the beautiful light colored purple. It will always be a visitation of a beloved and benevolent Spirit.

Goodlife to you all.

Reaching Back To Us

On awakening in the morning you may find yourself with a slightly more groggy feeling these days.

Oh granted, it's because - at least partially - the atmosphere that most of us are living in is not as oxygenated as it needs to be.

Still there's another reason and I believe it is a more pleasant reason. We are gradually merging with our greater personalities. Many of us have dreamt things with little glimmers or heard words when we woke up from our dream that are mystifying and intriguing.

Sometimes we forget about it, other times it lingers. I know that many of us are having unpleasant dreams but I'm not referring to that. I'm talking about those mysterious dreams that feel so personal and yet when you think of the images you cannot place anything in them in your current life.

In my experience, I believe that this is the future portions of us in this life - not in some unknown world - reaching back to us through the veils of time to connect to us and support us.

I'm going to recommend that you do something - if you like. First I'm going to suggest that you request the most benevolent energies, beings, yes Deities if you like, Creator and/or others to be near you with the most benevolent energy and wait a minute or so. Perhaps some of you will feel something.

Then I'm going to suggest the following Living Prayer. Remember to say it out loud and try to say it exactly as it is printed here.

I suggest you say, "I am asking that all those beings who live in our time now feel greater influence from our most benevolent selves in the future of our now time and that that influence support, nurture and strengthen our capabilities to survive and thrive in increasing comfort."

It is alright to say something like that you see - and a Living Prayer of course includes yourself but it also includes the greater community and beyond.

I feel that you will find that these glimmers, these touches with our benevolent future become increasingly available. Try to note how you feel when you wake up from such dreams.

If you have the momentary tension of an alarm clock, that might muddy the situation but if you've been able to wake up peacefully and calmly then note how you feel.

This is important. Such feelings might provide for you the ability to truly have a reminder that your future is not only much more benevolent then it is now but that that future you, from this life, loves you and cares about you so much that they are reaching back to you in your now time to bring about greater ease in your life.

Is that not truly loving. Goodlife to you all.

Jumat, 20 April 2007


I am considering building a blog here. Please allow some time for me to post what feels right for this space.
Thank you. Goodlife.