Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

The Explorer Race

Who are you in the larger sense and how does it actually affect your day to day life? Are you here to suffer through some difficult ordeal - many times it will seem that way. Are you here to learn something that will be of value? Oh yes. What will you do with this knowledge?

This video will help to explain that and to discover why you are called the explorer race.

Jumat, 19 November 2010

Interacting With Auric Fields

How to feel and contact your own auric field as well as the auric fields of others. Also learning how to provide this contact in the most benevolent way whether you are interacting with yourself, your pets or even a family member or other loved one.

Jumat, 05 November 2010

Practicing Knowing

This technique I'm teaching you here, that we will build on in the future so you can learn how to do this, will allow you to See well beyond what you can see now. You may be able to use it to reassure yourself that loved ones, friends and family are safe and secure in times of urgency when other systems are not available for what ever reason.

Seeing is also an aspect of Knowing which has everything to do with your instinct. Instinct is an issue that is very strong for you now and I will be talking a lot about Instinct here on these videos very soon.

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Angels And What I Believe About Them

From time to time people ask me about Angels and what I believe so I've decided to put a brief note up here to state what I do believe about Angels according to my experience. Understand that I am not referring to Angels in the religious sense but rather as a word variation re: Light Beings.

My experience with these beings is simply to guide me when I have asked to receive benevolent advice or to assist me when I have requested it in some fashion.

Angels, in my experience insofar as their presence visually and energetically, can also be called Gold Light Beings and sometimes Benevolent Light Beings. This is what I believe based upon my inspiration, my experience and my life.


Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

2011 Predictions: Becoming - Now

The uniqueness of personality we all are emerges now bit by bit - ever increasingly to become our true spiritual selves as our day to day beings. This will be seen in adults, children, the very young and even the very very old. It is happening right now and that process will accelerate into 2011 and beyond.

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

2010 Predictions: More About The November Event

There has been some concern that the November Event predicted here that would cause relief, would be some kind of calamity. It is not that at all. It is rather something that you will feel relief for because you will feel better. It's not going to be world war three. It's not going to be anything that is a disaster. It will only be, for all peoples, a good thing.

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

2011 Predictions: UFO's Undersea

Undersea sightings of UFO's will proliferate, almost all of which will be of benign and benevolent beings.

There is one group of beings however that will be migrating away from the planet and these beings have been known as Men In Black (not the fictional one's). MIB's, as they've also been called, will be leaving the planet permanently.

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Astrology: Planet Personalities - New Book

Greetings. Astrology: Planet Personalities book has just been released by Light Technology with the addition of extra material which is why there was a delay in release.

I hope you enjoy it. It provides a much greater depth of understanding of the astronomical and astrological influences in our lives by providing a more intimate understanding of the personalities of the planets and signs.


Jumat, 10 September 2010

2011 Predictions: Eternity Is Now

Life in the eternal does not require death. You will see in days to come that there will be a sense of connection - of bonding from one to another. Sometimes unexpected, other times it will seem completely and totally natural even though when you look back at the event that may have caused this feeling it'll be a surprise and it won't seem to be matching well with your life as you understood it - broadening your perception of life as a result.

Jumat, 03 September 2010

More About Long Touch

Further advanced teaching on Long Touch, as you studied on this video and also this one, you will find here in this video. There is also extra material at the end for those of you struggling with the concept and application. That material will help you to make a good beginning in Long Touch.

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

More About All Soul

Elaborating more on soul and who and what has soul. Also mentioning a vision by this Channel (Robby) with the assistance of an animal. The vision was of the departing light body, also known as soul, of a former neighbor.

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

Channeling, Beliefs and Flexibility

Zoosh speaks about Channeling*, its function and also about the wide variety of beliefs we may have and consequences of being rigid. Zoosh also talks about the value of flexibility and the nature of these times.

Sorry about the little glitch in the video. There is most of a word missing there. The word is, "doubt." So you should be hearing, "… not to give you doubt about your religion or philosophy …"


*Deep Trance Channeling the way Robby does it is to allow the personality and the energy of the Being he is channeling to speak and exist through him while his Light Body steps out during that process.

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

2011 Predictions: January 11, 2011

Your understanding of the physical plane of existence, upon which you live, is going to take a rapidly accelerated step. This step will happen on January 11th, 2011. Much of what you've studied here and on the written blogs will prepare you for that awareness and that understanding.

This is not some magical thing that goes "poof" in the night and then everybody understands. This is an event that you will understand more clearly after the fact. More about that soon.


Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

More About Colors - White

Here is a little about white light and its personality. When you engage with the personality of white light you will find in that engagement elements of your own personality - sometimes recognizable, other times as a surprise.

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

An Announcement About Posting Frequency

Changes in my posting schedule necessitated by demands on my time as well as maintaining my well-being are announced.

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

More About Colors - Red

Red is the Earth energy color and if you know how to use it in wearing a garment perhaps, you will be able to attune your own energy and perception to your greatest advantage.

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010

More About Colors - Pink

Pink is a color that is entirely about receptivity. It will draw to you, if you are wearing it, whatever is around you. So, be clear that it ought to be worn only when you wish to draw to you that which is present around you or if you need inspiration especially if there is an environment or situation where inspiration would be welcome.

If you're going to be in a situation where things are present - feelings, expressions and so on that you would not want to have too close to you, might be better to wear another color.

Keep pink handy, women, as a color that you can quickly put on or take off in a form of an accessory. Men, you can do the same.

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Clarity - A Special Extra Message For You Today

I've posted this to You Tube because I was gearing the videos to a more general audience, as those of you who've been reading and studying the blogs here could tell. However I wanted to share it with you because I know many of you do not go to the You Tube, or single out just one of my three primary blogs to read and study. So I'm going to add here this video and these words below so you can see what I have stated to the You Tube viewers. Goodlife.


Greetings my friends. I feel it's important to add this to the post I already put up today even though it's not on the subject of Choice but towards the end there's a little bonus about that and the next video in this actual planned sequence will also be about Choice.

So this is something I needed to say for a while, and I've asked Grandfather to say it for you so that it will be clear and understood in the most loving way, and I hope that you'll hear it in the most benevolent way.

Just know that I appreciate you all and I do feel good about your interest in spirituality and your desire to be empowered so that you can practice your own spirituality in the most benevolent way.


Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

2011 Predictions: Choose

2011 is going to be a year of choice. The most major choice insofar as your spiritual self, your feeling self and impacting your physical self will be presented in this video. I think that you will be able to handle the choice fine but will you be able to live with it? I believe you will.

Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Earthquakes and Long Touch

Here is a practice to help you to decrease the amount and perhaps even the severity of earthquakes happening on the planet now by the use of extending, explained more thoroughly here and here, your light body into oil and extending by the use of your physical feelings and the use of Long Touch* - which you can read about and practice here, then here and follow up with here - to generate, to create and support the generation of more oil and natural gas beneath the Earth deeply so that she may recreate her balance and support herself and us as well.

*For a more thorough understanding of Long Touch you may wish to continue your studies here.

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

More About Colors - Purple

Purple* is a fine color - one of beauty and certainly one associated with spirit world. However, there are certain cautions that are necessary to take so that you keep connected to your physical world as well as to be drawn toward your spiritual side.

Hand Position

*The Herald Of Purple (I originally published this in a blog I had in 2006 called The Shaman's Way.)

What is the nature of the color purple. Why is it associated with spirit. This is a color that has been seen - not only by Visionaries but by everyday people. People like you and I and people you see walking on the street every day.

The color has been seen around the time of the passing of a loved one or a friend or sometimes even someone you did not really know very well. Perhaps they were an acquaintance, perhaps a complete stranger.

I'm not referring to the dark purple color that is often used for religious ceremonies. This is a lighter purple color and has a version of translucence to it - sometimes even a variation of transparency.

It is always seen when a Spirit is either coming or going to someplace and on occasion it is seen when a Spirit is visiting. It is really true that spirits can visit. Sometimes a place, sometimes a person and this visiting is always accompanied by a benevolent guide even if the Spirit themselves are a guide because if they're visiting someplace it is very often a situation where there is some affection, feeling or sense of familiarity and one would like to have a friend of ones own kind present.

I'm bringing this up to you today because I feel it's important for you to recognize that should you see this kind of thing most often it will not be in the form of a human being. It will be a fairly anomalous shape. Perhaps just a sweep of purple, perhaps a sort of shape - sometimes even in a circle or a disc shape.

This is something that we will see these days more and more. Don't be frightened please. It will almost always be accompanied by a benevolent energy that many of you will be able to physically feel and be comforted by. As I say, it may be a friend or a beloved relative.

If you can see it the chances are it is somebody that you have known or some being that has great affection for you. It is then a blessing and I believe ought to be counted as one. I am hopeful that you will have the opportunity to have this experience as I feel that it will often be something that you may cherish.

Spirits these days have more capacity to move amongst us. According to what I've been taught and what I believe by my experience, this is because we as physical beings have moved beyond the station that we were at when our world was a portion of our lives - meaning when we were born.

There has been an acceleration in spirit and form. Some of it has been brought about by our compassion towards our fellow beings who are suffering but I believe also that some of it has been brought about by our desire for us to get on with a more benevolent life and to embrace all those in the world who desire the same thing.

Welcome the sight of the beautiful light colored purple. It will always be a visitation of a beloved and benevolent Spirit.

Goodlife to you all.

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Helping The Oceans

Helping the oceans to recover their clarity, their purpose and their own energy so that they may support all life in the most benevolent way that is possible.

Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

Why Study Here

There are changes coming on the Earth and therefore I encourage you to find some one or two or more things here on this blog or on another one of my main blogs here or here as well and study them and get so good at them that when things happen, whatever they may be, that you don't have to stop and ponder in confusion. You can just act, because you are very accomplished with the spiritual tasks and magic I have to offer.

Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

More About Colors - Gold, Part 1

Practicing with the natural world in order to see golden auras* and engage with gold as a color in a more intimate way.

*Have I ever mentioned to you about practicing seeing a energy body - perhaps I have.

For those of you who can do this you can read on down a couple of paragraphs but for those of you who have not heard about this, this is what to do.

Practice with a tree or a mountain top or something that has a clearly defined edge as compared to what is behind it you see. A tree might have that if you were looking up at it towards a cloudy sky or even a blue sky.

It can be anything. It can be a young tree or an old tree. It could be a wall, say a block wall. Something that has a contrast to what's behind it and that what's behind it is preferably part of the natural world meaning not man-made but it's alright if it is man-made and it is - say a solid color - preferably a lighter color so you can see the energy body.

I wouldn't recommend starting by looking at human beings who are standing in front of some lighter colored something but for those of you who've had a little practice in this - you could but it has to be somebody you feel good about and somebody that feels good about you, that's all.

For those of you who haven't done it look at that object whatever it is, then look slightly above - perhaps a little bit to the left or right of the object and begin concentrating your point of vision slightly above - just slightly above or slightly to the left or right of what you're looking at.

Now some of you might see or notice beneath the point where you're looking a lighter part of the view. If you get the impression of that - don't look at it at this point. Rather, continue to move your point of view up or slightly to the left or slightly to the right but up further from what you're looking at.

What you're going to notice is that beneath the point you're looking at but above or slightly to the left or slightly to the right of what you're looking at is a brighter area. Remember if you look back down to see this glowing energy body it will go away - that's because you're training yourself right now to learn how see it and in training this is a perfect example of how you have to let go of what you're doing - you see. It's also a good way to train on how to let go of any attachment to the outcome.

So what's going to happen is for many of you, if not most, you'll see this lighter area. Then what you can do, if you like - now those of you who know how to do this can pick it up here - is to stand back a bit further if you can and look at that tree or look at that wall and again focus on what's above it and what you'll see is a glow from the entire top of the wall.

Again don't look at the wall, just look above it and that's how you train to see this energy body. It is around everything but when you train like this you can see it easier - okay.

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

More About Colors - Green

Green has everything to do with healing and balance and to a degree - stability. There are opportunities for you to attract these qualities into your life with greater frequency. Utilize green and perhaps feel better.

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Understanding and Transforming the Despair of Others, Part 2

Understanding how the process works to help each other spiritually in ways that apply practically. These forms of Living Prayer with magical qualities will come to the aid of people all over the world, many if not most of them you don't know and have never met. You will find that such aid will be profoundly and benevolently received though you may never know what has been changed.

However, not knowing may be a good thing since some terrible deed or loss to the world simply may not happen because of the good that you have requested using this form of magic and with the understanding that this video provides to motivate you in that direction.

In Part 2 you will be receiving teaching to support you in helping to bring about greater transformation of the suffering of others.

Understanding and Transforming the Despair of Others, Part 1

Understanding how the process works to help each other spiritually in ways that apply practically. These forms of Living Prayer with magical qualities will come to the aid of people all over the world, many if not most of them you don't know and have never met. You will find that such aid will be profoundly and benevolently received though you may never know what has been changed.

However, not knowing may be a good thing since some terrible deed or loss to the world simply may not happen because of the good that you have requested using this form of magic and with the understanding that this video provides to motivate you in that direction.

In Part 2 you will receive teaching to support you in helping to bring about greater transformation of others suffering.

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

2010 Predictions: The Melding of Peoples

Influences from other worlds are with you now to help you in easing your way towards your full capability of recollection - that you may absorb and apply your natural spiritual skills in the simplest, easiest and most benevolent way.

You will also have the opportunity to experience each other in different ways - finding, discovering and being discovered by others and melding into a single talented capable type of being called an Earth Person.

Goodlife to you all.

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

Continuing Colors - Blue

Details about how to help yourself with the color blue and co-ordinate it into your life on a practical level. Blue can help you to clarify and even stimulate thought that will be benevolent. Also there is a bonus for those of you who are nervous about flying.

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

2010 Predictions: Abundance and the Natural World

Recent and current mass frog migrations have everything to do with abundance. It is essential you pay attention to these matters and note immediately after or during your hearing about this how you feel physically. This video is vitally important to your understanding of your immediate future.

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

From Fear of the Night to Strength

Utilizing your spiritual resources as well as other aids to become strong and feel safer in the night or in rooms that are darkened.

You can familiarize yourself with physical contacts with familiar items and a greater sense of physical space around you to help yourself towards gaining more strength and expanding your safety capabilities with a challenge such as this.

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

More About Colors

Do you know that the colors you wear have a profound affect on you and can support you in ways that you do not understand mentally.

This video will attempt to help you to begin such a perception in ways that will serve you in your day to day life. One such color is black which is the color of strength and can help you to move from a position of fear and unknowing to confidence.

I'm reprinting this as a footnote since I do not have a direct link to it and most importantly since purple is such a profound and influential color in many portions of our lives.

The Herald Of Purple

What is the nature of the color purple. Why is it associated with spirit. This is a color that has been seen - not only by Visionaries but by everyday people. People like you and I and people you see walking on the street every day.

The color has been seen around the time of the passing of a loved one or a friend or sometimes even someone you did not really know very well. Perhaps they were an acquaintance, perhaps a complete stranger.

I'm not referring to the dark purple color that is often used for religious ceremonies. This is a lighter purple color and has a version of translucence to it - sometimes even a variation of transparency.

It is always seen when a Spirit is either coming or going to someplace and on occasion it is seen when a Spirit is visiting. It is really true that spirits can visit. Sometimes a place, sometimes a person and this visiting is always accompanied by a benevolent guide even if the Spirit themselves are a guide because if they're visiting someplace it is very often a situation where there is some affection, feeling or sense of familiarity and one would like to have a friend of ones own kind present.

I'm bringing this up to you today because I feel it's important for you to recognize that should you see this kind of thing most often it will not be in the form of a human being. It will be a fairly anomalous shape. Perhaps just a sweep of purple, perhaps a sort of shape - sometimes even in a circle or a disc shape.

This is something that we will see these days more and more. Don't be frightened please. It will almost always be accompanied by a benevolent energy that many of you will be able to physically feel and be comforted by. As I say, it may be a friend or a beloved relative.

If you can see it the chances are it is somebody that you have known or some being that has great affection for you. It is then a blessing and I believe ought to be counted as one. I am hopeful that you will have the opportunity to have this experience as I feel that it will often be something that you may cherish.

Spirits these days have more capacity to move amongst us. According to what I've been taught and what I believe by my experience, this is because we as physical beings have moved beyond the station that we were at when our world was a portion of our lives - meaning when we were born.

There has been an acceleration in spirit and form. Some of it has been brought about by our compassion towards our fellow beings who are suffering but I believe also that some of it has been brought about by our desire for us to get on with a more benevolent life and to embrace all those in the world who desire the same thing.

Welcome the sight of the beautiful light colored purple. It will always be a visitation of a beloved and benevolent Spirit.

Goodlife to you all.

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

5-18-10 Questions And Answers With Robert Shapiro

I'm going to answer some of the interesting questions I receive from people here again. Its been a while since I've done this here and I'll do it from time to time now.

Here's one:

soy and estrogen

is there an agenda to increase estrogen in males? how does the the biological work with the ability to transcend the unhealthy effects it has on your body? In other words how does eating foods work with creating your reality?

My Answer:

This is my feeling. I feel that it's possible, because of overpopulation on the Earth, that testosterone levels are dropping in men. This way people will still be able to make love but perhaps there will be a decreased birth rate in the long run.

I do not think that will be statistically noticeable immediately as far as total Earth population goes but who knows...a ways down the road eh? Considering the other ways our population is lessened I feel that the lowering of the birth rate would be the most benevolent. If this happens, and only if, I feel that eventually the population will level off at considerably less than we have now. I think this whole thing could take easily over 50 to 60 years.

I have channeled repeatedly from various sources that soy is not meant for humans. It is meant for animals. Still, there are many foods that animals eat that we eat as well.


Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Mother Earth and You

Something to think about and ponder. How you mirror Mother Earth and how she mirrors you. How can you settle and calm yourself and others and could it possibly settle and calm Mother Earth?

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Support During The New Moon Cycle

Are you missing the Moon? Did you even know that you are? During these times of the New Moon Cycle you may need extra support and energy. You may also need rest and other support. In this video I'm going to remind you of a simple and free way to get that extra energy and support for yourself.

Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

More Support For You Now

More support for you now is available by engaging with benevolent beings and with the sun and moon to provide just that much extra that you may need to move through these times. It is also possible to *go out on the land and do a little extra if you like and of course, to engage with disentanglement.

*Go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.

Jumat, 23 April 2010

More About Physical Contact With Spirits

There are spirits here now helping you or occasionally needing your assistance and you will know they are present because they will have the means or be supported by other spirits to make contact with you in a physical way that you can feel. It won't be extreme, it will be very gentle.

In this video those of you who are on your spiritual path and/or dedicated to it will learn what to do and how to do it in the simplest and most benevolent way and you will discover that many times they are simply here to help you.

Rabu, 14 April 2010

2010 Predictions: Color, Rain and Your World

Specifics about what is known as the Pole Shift. Also information regarding rain in different colors and the effects it might have on you in various benevolent ways.

Kamis, 08 April 2010

Footsteps on the Path of Finding Yourself

Finding yourself these days can be a challenge. Knowing who you are, why you're here, what you came here to do as a soul or spirit and being.
These simple methods offered here may not answer all your questions but they will give you a foundation or at least a cornerstone to traveling that path.

Minggu, 04 April 2010

Magic and Community

Steps along the way to develop and support community through the use of Living Prayer and beyond into the intricacies and applications of True Magic*. For further study on True Magic you might go here or here.

*Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.

This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.

Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.

It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way. You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.

We face north because that is the direction where creation takes place and it is also the direction where the manifestation of what we are attempting to create begins to take place in our outer world as well as in our inner world.

We turn to the left because that's the way the Earth turns and manifestation is then most likely to occur.


Kamis, 01 April 2010

Merging With Mother Earth

Merging with Earth in order to create balance and stability. Stability for Mother Earth yes, and greater balance for you.

This builds a bit on Bilocation as you will find here and also here and is an application of that. Such exercises as this allow you to focus and to feel, to extend and provide and understand your greater being in its application.

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

2010 Predictions: Octobers Earthian Awareness

In October of this year there will be tremendous support to realize that we are all Earth Citizens first and other identities after. This support towards planetary consciousness will come from within Earth and from external to Earth provided by Creator and many suns in our own galaxy.

This balancing of awareness is not only necessary but will, with hindsight, become something that helps us all to see each other eye to eye rather than by some other ranking and will be looked back upon with a certain amount of fondness by future generations for the great benefits that will be derived.

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Long Vision, Long Touch and Seeing

Learning to See, with permission granted while training to make mistakes. Also learning by touching at great distance. These fundamental steps will allow you to See and in time much much more.

The ability to See goes well beyond your physical capacities. It has to do with your Inner Knowing and ultimately what I'm attempting to do here is to bring your Inner Knowing of all things, all places, all Being into your conscious day to day reality in the most benevolent way for you.

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Project Your Safety, Part 4

Learning to expand your zone of safety, as we continue from last time, and broadcast it near to you and when you get better at it even a little farther from you in order to feel safer and be safer.

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

Project Your Safety, Part 3

The mechanism of safety: how it works, how to examine the process of it working and a variety of ways to apply it utilizing your body and your immediate surroundings.

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Project Your Safety, Part 2

Further tips and suggestions about projecting your safety as well as some review in order to understand the process and experience greater comfort for you in your life.

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

2010 Predictions: Asia

Visitations by caring peoples from the Orion Star System in and around China, Southeast Asia, The Philippines and the seas and oceans in that area will be largely to do with improving the quality of life for peoples there especially because of damage done to those areas in wars that happened in the past.

These beings care about the peoples there and will attempt to improve the quality of your life there as much as they are able.

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Transforming and Transmuting, Part 2

Now we continue with your training in true Shamanic skills. I do not expect you all to achieve that level nor do I expect you to have that interest but it is my desire to expose you to skills one might find with some Shamans or Mystical Men or Mystical Women and I shall continue to do so as I am here.

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

Transforming and Transmuting, Part 1

Learn how to transform materials from a state of unknown into a greater state of balance and help them with their endurance, with their function and with their ability to work better. These materials will be in the form of machines that have spirit.

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

Weather and Business in Europe and Nearby

Some comments on extreme weather in parts of the northern hemisphere. Further comments on business and trading partners globally.

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

About The Awakening Now

There is an awakening going on now that will provide for all of you a form and manner of connecting with the past and future. It may not be what you think but it will be how you experience.

It also allows you to understand what goes on in your dreams better since the instruction from your Guides, Teachers and Angels in those dreams will now come into a greater sense of being as part of your consciousness.

This is something many of you have been waiting for and it is happening as we speak.

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

Clearing An Energy Drain

Have you ever been in a situation where your energy is being drained by someone or something? This process I'm sharing with you today will help to remove in the most benevolent way the drain on your energy. I am hopeful it will help many of you who are experiencing this either in a pronounced way that you can notice or perhaps that is simply an undercurrent that might keep you tired and you know not why.

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

2010 Predictions: November Event

Something's going to happen in November that will relieve you of many of the burdens of worry and general malaise that you've been feeling for so very long. It won't be anything that causes harm to anyone. It will simply be a tremendous relief.

Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

Energy Practice

It is time now to practice your acquisition of benevolent energies in a felt manner. This suggested homework will help you to achieve greater and then even greater levels of energy acquisition.

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Manifesting, Part 2

More with True Magic to manifest working with a partner or partners assisting each other along the magical path. Manifesting is more than you do for yourself, it can be done for the greater community as well.

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Manifesting, Part 1

Creating what you really want and often what you need has everything to do with your conscious creation. Be alert to the fact that you are always creating and you must remain vigilant to create what is the most benevolent for you, what will work best for you and not what will harm you due to a cynical attitude that might provoke such a statement even accidentally by you.

Pay attention now, this is where you learn the basics in creating a better life.

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Earth Changes and How You Can Help

Join with the sun now to help and calm dramatic Earth changes that may happen. Utilize your creative skills and a special activation prayer to bring this about.

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

Project Your Safety

I have spoken about True Magic on Benevolent Magic blog, Explorer Race blog and A Mystical Man's World blog and before discussing True Magic there was extensive preparation for that type of work. So for the serious student I recommend reading and practicing all of the homework and details and information to accomplish greater capacities with your spiritual work.

This video today is about creating safety, support and potentially success with benevolence for places you're going to and the means to arrive there using Magic and True Magic in the most benevolent way.

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

2010 Predictions: It's Alright Now To Be Yourself

The opportunity to be yourself will be supported this year. You can now truly shed those labels that looked so good in the past but that limit you now and you can be yourself.

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

2010 Predictions: Spirits In The Northern Lights

Dreams and visions you have associated with experiences interacting with the northern lights this year will have a great impact on you benevolently. This is the year that will have the potential to put you into contact with your Guides, Angels and Teachers as you interact with the northern lights.

Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Magic For You

Forms of magic that will have only benevolent outcomes are discussed with instructions on how you can do this for yourself and even support others. This method will be expanded upon considerably in the future here on this site as well.

Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

2010 Predictions: Children Will Lead The Way

Children will lead the way now to break down barriers that have lasted far too long. These barriers when gradually gently released will allow the peoples of the world to be closer, feel more united and get along much better with each other.

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

2010 Predictions: More About Earth Changes

Earth changes especially as regard to the seasons and water. Particularly in this video directed towards those in the northern hemisphere, well north, and there is mention also for island nations.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Disentangling From Old Discomforts, Part 2

A more thorough explanation of how Disentanglement works as well as the additional manner to use it to bring about a more benevolent state of life for you including a clearing and an ongoing means to provide a specific and alterable lifestyle that brings about clarity and much more ease.

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Disentangling From Old Discomforts, Part 1

Receiving clearing from old traumas, wounds and even portions of injuries from the past as well as discomforts from the present and perhaps even worries about the future. This method will be of immense help.

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

2010 Predictions: Allow Others To Choose

Seek out your own knowledge and wisdom based upon your experience and don't discard it no matter how enthusiastically other people describe theirs or what they believe in. Allow that it may have merit but know what you know based on your experience and do not demand others to accept your experience as their truth.

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

How To Know, Part 3

Other applications of How To Know, also known as the Heart Warmth, including being safer when traveling and also in clearing oneself of energies that are uncomfortable or perhaps exhausting.

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

How To Know, Part 2

More about the basic process of Heart Warmth, also known as How To Know, and several applications you can use to make simple decisions that will help you to practice and get better at this.

Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

Empowerment In, After and Even During Situations of Survival

Empowering yourself in difficult and challenging situations including a situation of survival. This form of empowerment is intended to provide the most benevolent outcome available for all souls involved.

Senin, 04 Januari 2010

How To Know, Part 1

A means to know and provide you with clarity in your decision making process is explained here. It is important for you to ask questions of yourself out loud and to also know that this technique is sometimes referred to as the Heart Warmth. There will be much more coming later with other applications of this technique.