Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

The Explorer Race Book: A Foundation for Understanding Who We All Are

I'm happy to announce that the original format of the first book in the Explorer Race series, The Explorer Race, is now available for you as an e-book and can be found in places that have such things.

The material is all now in its original sequence and is no longer split into two different books which were originally titled The Explorer Race and also ETs and the Explorer Race.

The book is now in a much more readable form, I believe, and even though it was published in the past as two different books in order to make it more reader-friendly as it was felt then by subject - it is now, I believe, much more readable since it's in its original channeled sequence with all of the Beings commenting in ways that compliment each other. 

I believe this will make it much more simple to understand who we are, where we're from, why we're here, what we're doing while we're here and where we go from here which is the foundation of the Explorer Race book series material. 

The new version that you can now obtain is still called The Explorer Race but you'll note on the cover that it indicates that it includes books 1 and 2.

I've put links in this post so that you can read the original descriptions from Amazon for the paperback books, which will still be available for a while, as well as reader comments on Amazon.

I hope you enjoy this book. I feel good about it being out now in this form.


Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

Dream Helper

Have you ever had this experience? You're having a dream that's distressing and you're having a hard time waking up. It's not exactly what you would call a nightmare. It's just that you're having a hard time waking up from this dream and you sort of drag yourself - you force yourself to wake up. 

It doesn't feel like forcing yourself but after you wake up you can feel it was a struggle. This usually happens when you only have that dream once - and the dream is strange. For example, sometimes it might just be that you were trying to clean something or there was something you had to do and it was a struggle but it's not what you would call a nightmare. 

Very often what's going on in this case is that you are, for that moment sharing somebody else's dream who is having a hard time waking up and that dream is bothering them. Perhaps it is a dream they often have or perhaps it is a memory of something that would trouble them but it is not troubling to you, though it may seem strange. What happens is, for a moment you share that dream and you - by your ability to wake up help them to wake up

These situations these days are more likely to happen because you are all being reminded that you are really literally one family. It is as if you are portions of one being and yet it is like a close family. 

Sometimes this family experience extends into places you wouldn't normally expect it to, such as dreamtime and as a result you have the opportunity to help out a fellow human being through a moment of discomfort. 

You probably do not know this person and you will probably never meet them but it is possible that you will have been around them briefly or have seen them at a distance and perhaps even felt compassion for them for some reason. And thus this compassion will allow you - it really is a favor that you do for someone else you see - it will allow you to help them through a troubling moment. 

You're not allowed by spirit and by your soul and by your guides and teachers to really engage with the person because they have a different path from you but you are allowed to help them out in this moment which may seem trifling to you but to them it is a burden and they appreciate so very much the ability of being able to wake up when this dream often goes on and on for them and it just gets more and more uncomfortable. 

So you see how you are helping each other out these days in ways that sometimes seem small but to others seem very large indeed. 


Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

UFOs Make A Friendly Visit

Vast numbers of UFOs will be seen in the sky by many, if not all of you, over the next year or two - possibly three. They will be seen in great number. 

They will be emanating and broadcasting the love they genuinely feel for you, as they see it, their brothers and sisters here on Earth.
Here's a link to some of my UFO experiences in case you might be interested.

Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Dreams and Aloha

The time of testing continues and it will even go on for some of you in your dreams and in this video you will get a simple suggestion to help make those dream experiences be much calmer and easier.

There will also be a message of aloha from Grandfather and Robby as well.

Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

2013 Predictions: Transformation To The Benevolence

In this video you will have the opportunity to learn new ways of transforming the energy around and about you to comfort your life.

There are also predictions about this year and the years that will follow that have to do with the transformation of life on Earth to being a situation that is more peaceful, comfortable and safe for all beings.

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

Empowerment and You

A gentle reminder about the time of testing, which is upon you now, and a few pointers about where to go to find out what to do.

Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

A Gift For You

In this video you will find a very simple technique to help you to experience a more comfortable, in some cases vigorous - in other instances more financially secure - in other instances other versions of a benevolent improvement in your life. 

I hope you enjoy this gift, it is from the planets and the sun in your solar system.

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Global Predictions: 2013

This year, I want you to try out something and that's why I'm giving you a little fun homework* at the beginning of the video but after that there will be predictions for various continents, countries and general areas on the planet and I feel that you will find these interesting especially those of you in the diplomatic and business communities but others as well. It's good to know, isn't it. Goodlife

*Remember to do it exactly as recommended. The purpose of the homework is to teach you something, the results are less important.