Jumat, 03 Oktober 2008

Benevolent Actions, Part 2

Continuing with Grandfather's comments:

Last time I discussed the idea of being optimistic and of taking action in the most benevolent way to cure all discomforts doing whatever you are able to do - perhaps working with others as well. This time I'd like to give some true magic towards that end.

Start with the steps I gave last time if you have not already done that benevolent magic. If you have done that benevolent magic then go out on the land someplace as I've suggested before many times* and when you get out there find a place on the land that is comfortable for you to be.

Then glance towards the sky where you would find the moon (I recommend you do this at night if at all possible). Glance at the moon, then down at your feet on the ground. It is alright to have a light nearby so you can see where to walk, where to go.

After you have glanced at your feet make 1 complete rotation to the left ending up facing in the direction you started.

Then reaching down towards the ground with both arms extended but slightly out - maybe 8 - 10 inches from your body on either side with your palms facing the front and your fingers together but extended and your thumb also together with those fingers - meaning have your thumb touching the side of your hand (see photo above) say this, "I am asking that the true nature of the hearts of all beings now be united to form a cohesive element and connect to the universal heart of all beings in this universe we occupy and that that connection is to take place in the most benevolent way and result in the most benevolent outcome for all beings."

After you say that relax your body. Do not cross your arms or legs but you may return your hands to your sides with the palms of your hands touching the sides of your body. Make one more complete rotation to the left and pause for a minute or two - don't look at your watch, just make your best guess of how much time has passed.

Then take 3 steps as you would take sidesteps to the left. You can look down at the ground to make sure you are stepping someplace that is safe - remember to have a light nearby so you can tell. Then turn to the left and take 3 more sidesteps towards the left. Then you may walk on and resume your life.

Remember this is to be done only once to improve the outlook of all beings. It is what you can do in the world of true magic that is gentle and not imposing. Remember - true magic does not exert authority, rather it makes gentle suggestions and nurtures hopes, dreams and benevolent outcomes.

Do not use it to try to control or coerce, it will not work and it could even have some unpleasant side effects if you try that. I know most of you would not even think of doing that but I feel it is important from time to time to add these tips so you do not have discomforts. I have made it clear that it will not work, this type of true magic or benevolent magic, if an attempt is made to use it to harm but when you are doing true magic and incorporating the Earth and the Moon or at other times, as I've said, the Sun and so on it's particularly important to keep it all benevolent.

You do not have to do this true magic but I suggest it for those of you who are involved with more advanced work. Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

*Here is some of Grandfather's teaching as I've related before:

Know that as a general rule of thumb, as people say, it's important to care about that which you are performing true magic for. This way you do not have any inner conflicts or feelings in conflict in your body with that which you are attempting to do. This could not only cause you to feel uncomfortable but it would generally impact the true magic so much that it may not do any good.

This is what I recommend. Go outside if you can and as always try not to wear shoes that are insulating you - keeping your energy, you understand, from moving into the ground. If you need to wear shoes try to wear something that is made of a natural fiber - even leather, that's fine but not plastic or rubber - not an insulating material.

Then go out on the land someplace. And remember - always to go someplace where you feel safe including your own backyard if that is a place to feel safe but if you go out in the country or someplace else always do these things someplace where you have permission - that's important - so that you can feel safe and so that those who may have some claim to the land upon which you are standing will be comfortable with your presence.

It's always good to do true magic in a place where there is no conflict - outer or inner. This way it is more likely to work in the most benevolent way.You can of course wear insulating shoes to get there if you have to drive there or have to go in a vehicle of some sort but once you get there put on non-insulating shoes or go barefoot if you feel comfortable there and then stand out on the land.

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