Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Urgent: This is The Time Of The Welcoming

Greetings. Something important is happening now and I feel it's really urgent for you to know about it. This is the time of the welcoming. It's most important that you understand what that means.

You have thoughts, everyone does, and sometimes they are accompanied by pictures. This is particularly important for people who have pictures in their minds or come up for this or that reason - and this is why.

This time in our lives are truly preparing us for the way things are in our natural normal native personalities beyond this Earth plane as we know it.

There if we need something it will come up in our present memory - meaning that which is available for us but that we are not always conscious of if we don't need it or if it is something say - associated with someone else.

With that kind of present memory you might need this or that as a spirit being or as a physical being someplace else on some other planet in some other life and then that thing will be attracted to you but only that which is just right for you - meaning you are compatible with that thing what ever it may be and that thing is compatible with you - alright - you understand - but since we are now in the time of the welcoming something similar is happening and since on the other planes of existence that we live in most of the time such a experience occurs where a picture will come up because it's something we need - you can see where I'm going with this on a now Earth plane - yes in our now existence.

As long as the picture comes up of something that we need, not necessarily a specific something or someone but some thing general that we need - friends for example - there's a good chance that those who were just the right friends for you will like you and appreciate you just the way you are and whom you will like and appreciate just the way they are will be attracted to you and you will be attracted to them.

It won't be something glaringly obvious but it will be something that you'll both notice. Perhaps subtly at first and then as you get better acquainted you'll realize that this person could be a good friend for you and they'll have a similar realization - but you've noticed that for a time now.

The time we're in now represents a wonderful opportunity but there are hazards as well and that's why I want to talk to you today about that. The opportunity is that, as I mentioned before, if you need something - it's something to consider trying to shift your gears into needing something in a general way - as my example with friends - rather than in a specific way - meaning you want a car you saw on the car lot and only that car will do.

You might just have a picture that comes up of a broad spectrum of cars or that you need transportation or that you sure would enjoy being able to be in a car going someplace that you'd like to go - like that, not trying to program your present moment memory here.

Conversely there's another thing that could come up and I think some of you have noticed it. If you're frightened of some thing, not necessarily someone as an individual but some thing - oh perhaps you're concerned use something innocuous but annoying, you're concerned that birds will start making their deposits on your freshly washed car - okay. That could happen and if not immediately - very soon after the picture comes up.

So here's the discipline that's going to be necessary for us all and it may not be easy. We're going to have to try and focus on encouraging ourselves to bring up pictures of things that we want and if something comes up that's a fear to immediately or as quickly as possible shift that picture to something that's desirable - meaning, to use my example, instead of the picture of your car being dive-bombed by the local feathered population that you would quickly shift your picture to something of your car sitting shiny in the driveway or wherever you have it and looking wonderful - and focus on that for a little longer and then let it go completely.

This is not a time when you can simply say, "No, change that." Words won't do. You have to use a picture as a substitute.

I just wanted to bring that to your attention because I feel that it's something that - if you know about it and you know what to do about it it can make a big difference in your life.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

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