Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

Speaks Of Many Truths on Balance

People often ask me if I have any favorite parts of the books that I've put out and here is one of my favorites I thought I'd share with you. It's from Shamanic Secrets for Material Mastery.

What I like about it is its clarity and simplicity while including details and sort of show how in words. I hope you like it, I know I do.

Chapter 22: How to Walk, How to Eat
Speaks Of Many Truths

Homework in Walking, Becoming Aware of Imbalance

I'd like to suggest that you walk barefoot outside (that's the best way, but if you must be inside, then alright) on the front part of your foot with the back part raised up. First put down the front part, then the back part. When you do this I want you to imagine that you are walking on a platform, something being held in place for your benefit. I cannot tell you how helpful this is to give you a working physical feeling of balance.

Many of you say to me in one way or another that your life is out of balance, it's too extreme one way or another. It seems almost rudimentary to imagine that a simple exercise like this done two or three times a week until you get used to it will allow you to regain some balance. But you'd be surprised how many lessons can be learned without the requirement of intellectual thought or even reasoning. They are learned by physical actions. When you feel physically what balance feels like, then you will notice - physically - when your life is out of balance because you won't have that feeling of balance that you experience when you're doing this homework.

I've included this here because I feel that the book I've quoted from has so many valuable tips and so much guidance that is also of value besides all of the massive amount of material on how we relate physically to the physicality and geography of Mother Earth that this is, I must admit, one of my all time favorite books that I have provided and I'm hopeful that you will find that it is of value as well.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

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