Rabu, 23 September 2009

Studying To Be A Spirit Guide, Part 3 (Audio Dreams)

Have you been having dreams for the past year or two where there are sounds that are so distinct or loud that you wake up and react to those sounds? Such as a doorbell ringing and you bound out of bed wondering who it could be at that hour perhaps, rush to the door and there's no one there.

Of course the tendency in that situation is to think that someone's playing a joke on you but there's those moments when you do the same thing and run and open the door or peek out of the peephole and stop for a moment. "Wait a moment," you say, "my doorbell doesn't work." But you have done that out of a sound sleep because you're used to responding to a doorbell even though the doorbell doesn't work and perhaps never did as long as you've been living there.

I'm picking the doorbell as an example even though another thing might be, say a barking dog for instance. So, what's going on?

This is just a brief mention today, I'll bring this up again at some point but I want to say this much. These days you are as a spirit, ja as a soul, when you are asleep traveling to places that are not as far away as you normally travel. Now granted, you will travel perhaps to your Teachers and your Guides which are fairly far away when you are asleep though when you are awake they are often nearby. You might also find that your travels these days are to places - as a soul dreaming you understand - to places that are much closer.

Perhaps in the case of the "doorbell" it'll be someplace quite nearby whose doorbell happens to work or in the case of the "barking dog" for example it will be someplace where there is a dog that barks like that. So, what's it about?

I've been posting on this blog something about studying to be a spirit guide and this experience that you're having, many of you, this sort of audio dream is the application of that. Kind of like learning something in school and then having the lab class where you put what you learn into practice - perhaps you've had that experience.

It's very much like that. You study things and in your dreams, perhaps learning to be a Spirit Guide eh as you might find here or here you will study on this and that but this is more like lab. It would be as if your Teacher, your Guide trainer eh says, "Now it's time to check things out on the basis of your actual world that you're living in."

So instead of having the training in your dreams you do so remotely with your Guide and your Teacher or one or the other. So what you are really having then in these audio dreams is essentially a remote experience.

This is not unlike the term Remote Viewing, something that you may have either read about or in the case of Long Vision you have read about on Benevolent Magic. So I just wanted to bring it up.

I'll be talking more about these things soon. I just wanted to say though today, that this is another example of Guide Training. And you might reasonably ask why your Guide would arrange something for you that would wake you up out of a sound sleep.

Part of it has to do with learning how to act and react at a moments notice which Guides must do and the other part has to do with experiencing something that is nonsensical in our practical day to day world and thus must be related to Spirit World and I believe that that is done for those of us who may be reluctant to believe that Spirit World is so very close and such an important part of our lives.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

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