Jumat, 30 September 2011

Dimensional Interactivity People

Right now there are people amongst you who, as a result of an experience that they carry with them, are able to protect you all from a shift in dimensions going on right now while you function in your day to day life. 

These people are sometimes referred to as having Dyslexia but at the core of their being they are truly soldiers of dimension. They are able to function simply by their existence as a insulator and protector of all of you so that this dimensional shift which is taking place happens in the most benevolent way possible. 
Without these people on your planet your planet could not do this shift while you were all on the planet - it would not be possible. 

This shift is going to bring you to a much more benevolent state of being, everyone of you. No one will be harmed, no one will be hurt, no one will be punished. Everyone will be equals in the most benevolent way. 

I am hoping you will also help insulate and protect these beings for their very existence allows you all to be safer.

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